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Hey friend. My name is Ola. I have spent the past four years of my life dedicated to working on myself. What I have discovered is that spiritual or personal development will not stop difficult things from happening but it can keep them from being totally crushing.
Becoming more spiritually fit has helped me through the most trying life experiences. From loss and heartbreak to self-discovery, and my career and entrepreneurship journey – my faith has been there for me through it all. With this podcast, I hope to inspire you to become healthier, well-thier, more optimistic, and most importantly, full of unwavering faith!
The Faith on Fitness #FoFpodcast is a space to journey through deep conversations about the trials of life, relationships, career, mental and physical health, and whatever topic God leads!
This show is honest, and uplifting. It provides both practical and spiritual Biblically-based concepts to encourage and support those who need it. It aims to build a community of resilient and faith-fuelled individuals.